Since 2019, our generative weekly workshops have been our bread & butter.

3 prompts, 10 minutes each.

That’s it.

After writing together, you can sign up to read your draft to the group, where you will be awash with encouragement.

At Salt Tooth, we don’t “do” critiques. Frances Story’s model of writing and sharing work to amplify your creative strengths, so that you may grow your skill sets and your passions. Here, you will find tender receptivity. Here, you are safe to be.

  • Open to all genres and writing experience! Most appropriate for ages 18+

    Our Zoom workshops are attended by writers across North America.

  • Bring your favorite writing medium: notebook, laptop, old CVS receipt. Whatever suits you. You’ll spend 30 minutes writing in any genre on the provided prompts. The rest of class will be dedicated to voluntary reading of the first drafts written during the workshop. Participants provide positive feedback only.

    You are not obligated to share your work. You are always welcome to stay and listen to others'.

    Total # of readers may be capped for time.

  • Tuesday nights (7-9pm CST) on Zoom

    Wednesday nights (7-9pm) @ Three Bees Pottery & Coffee Shop in Kansas City, Missouri.

  • $40/month: WWKC weekly curriculum PDF + access to Tuesday or Wednesday classroom Subscribe on Patreon

    $15/class: one time pass

    $20/month: WWKC PDF only. The budget tier provides participants with the weekly lesson plan but not access to the community classroom.

Make time for your creative practice, build confidence in your inherent talents, expand your experience, build a supportive and authentic community, and defy your internal censor.